Contact information:
The Drama Book Shop, Inc.
250 W. 40th St.
New York, NY 10018
Tel: (212) 944-0595
Fax: (212) 730-8739
The sale of the book is in conjunction with a performance by singers of Encompass New Opera Theatre and a reading/book signing of The Steiny Road. Arias from Gertrude Stein Invents a Jump Early On will be performed. This event will happen Sunday, October 19, 2008 at 3 pm in the Arthur Seelen Theatre located on the lower level of The Drama Book Shop.

Mark your calendars now. Also you might want to check out the Drama Book Shop's blog to see what else they do.
What was especially exciting about this meeting between

Nancy Rhodes, Allen Hubby, and me on one very rainy day in New York City is that Nancy and Allen discovered they both share a deep interest in quantum mechanics. Allen has been study the subject since he was in high school. Nancy is developing an opera with composer John David Earnest called The Theory of Everything. OK, whatever leverage it takes for this event to move into place, be it quantum physics or string theory. I started working on this event in late January!

To celebrate, I met poet Susan Brennan at Bryant Park Grill for dinner and afterward she showed me the Jo Davidson sculpture of Gertrude Stein which I never realized was in this square! I took this unexpected visitation as a sign from Gertrude herself!